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To recirculate and thus cool off water that has been used to control devices that need water to cool their working parts, like huge air conditioning compressors.

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Q: What are the basic functions of chillers?
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What are to basic categories of chillers?

the compression and absorption

How many chillers sold?

There were 150 chillers sold.

When was Bone Chillers created?

Bone Chillers was created in 1996.

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basic functions of a network operating system?

What companies manufacture water chillers?

There are many companies that manufacture water chillers. Two examples are T.J. Snow and Dana Group. Water chillers can be purchased and ordered online.

What are the ratings and certificates for Spine Chillers - 2003?

Spine Chillers - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M

Who makes Michigan Chillers?

Michigan Chillers is a set of books written by Michigan native Johnathan Rand.

What websites can you buy electric wine chillers from?

There are many website where one would be able to purchase wine chillers. One could purchase wine chillers from shopping websites such as Amazon or eBay.

Which functions of the brain controls the basic functions of life?

medulla oblangata

What are the differences between normal chillers and high tension chillers?

"High tension" means the same thing as "high voltage." These chillers have greater capacity and are typically used in industrial and some scientific applications. Normal chillers are more widespread, appearing in air conditioners, refrigerators, and various other appliances.

What are the basic functions of a computer?

One of the basic functions of a computer are to input data and then process it. A computer also outputs data and stores data.

What are the 2 basic functions used in encryption algorithm?

Two basic functions used in Encryption Algorithms are * Substitution * Transposition