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the young of swordfish is called "Knifefish"

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Q: What are swordfish young called?
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What are some unusual characteristics of a swordfish?

the sword on a swordfish is called a beakfemale swordfish have gonads

How does swordfish defends itself or its young?


Do the male swordfish nurture the young?


Do swordfish raise their young?

Swordfish is not a mammal thus it lay eggs instead giving birth to its young alive... I think guppy is the only fish which give birth to its young alive even if it is not a mammal.. By:Syakirah

What eat swordfish?

Predators: Swordfish are prey for many types of animals at young ages and as adults. Adult swordfish are prey for Killer Whales. Predators of swordfish are Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Yellow Tuna and Dolphins.

What is a swordfish's sword called?

A swordfish's sword is called a bill. It is a long, flat extension of its upper jaw that resembles a sword.

Is swordfish a mammal?

No it si a fish swordfish you retart

Do both swordfish and dolphins lay eggs?

No, a dolphin does not lay eggs but gives birth to live young.

Special adaptations of swordfish preys of swordfish type of consumer a swordfish is?

the behavoriol adaptations of a swordfish help fellow swordfish communicate with each other to live

Why is the movie Swordfish titled Swordfish?

Swordfish was the password at the bank to send all the money!

Why are swordfish endangered?

the Swordfish are not listed as an endangered species. the Swordfish are not listed as an endangered species.

What are 4 interesting facts about swordfish?

All swordfish have the same gender and can mate with any other swordfish. Swordfish have an extra sense that can tell which way north is. Swordfish will attempt to mate with fish that have artificial "swords" attached to them. Swordfish don't have scales.