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Not all sharks eat people. The ones that don't eat people live deep in ocean. I know that they attack us only because they thing that we are squids or an octopus while we surf. That's why people get attacked be sharks. the states that have shark attacks are Florida, Hawaii, California, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The location that has the most shark attacks is New Smyrna beach in Florida.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Sharks Do not attack use because they hate us. They are simply hungry and looking for food and for a meal. They may sometimes mistake humans for their unsual prey, such as sealions.

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12y ago

the dead ones

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Does a whale shark have teath?

Yes whale sharks have teeth, but they are not aggressive like some sharks, so they never attack people. I hope this helps and please recommend me!

Is it an accident when shaRKs kill humans?

Sometimes.most of the time some sharks will attack for no reason .they like to feed on blood by other organisms.other times sharks will mistake us for fish and kill or eat people.

Why do the sharks eat people?

Sharks eat or attack people because they see them as their regular diet. They don't mean to eat us they just mistake. Some sharks actually let go because they realize that you are not good tasting or a part of its diet. We are not yummy to sharks. Compare you on a surf board on your tummy, a turtle, and a sea lion. Don't they look alike? That is why sharks eat people.

What kinds sharks attack you?

Pretty much any kind of shark can attack you, but some aren't as harmful as others.

Do Megamouth sharks eat people?

well, no shark actually eats humans. When sharks attack humans its because they mistake us for seals usually. But if there's thrashing about in the water or (for some reason) blood, in waters where sharks reside, then maybe a mako shark might attack if their around.

Are bull sharks dangerous to kayak with?

Kayaking is fun, some people say, but not for people without arms. As bull sharks have fins and not arms, they are unlikely to ever kayak. Therefore, kayaking with bull sharks is not feasible.

Are all sharks nice sharks?

no alot of sharks are aggressive they will attack if un provokede

Can sharks swallow people?

some can

What sharks attack people?

Great white sharks, tiger sharks, and bull sharks are the most commonly known species that are responsible for attacking humans. These sharks usually mistake humans for prey or provoke them by mistaken identity or territorial defense. However, shark attacks on humans are rare, and most shark species are not considered a threat to people.

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What have people did to stop the killing of sharks?

Some people eat sharks.. i didn't know what other's do... sorry...