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There are a lot of non aggressive Freshwater Fish, usually at pet stores the signs describing the fish tell you whether or not they are aggressive like tropical community, semi- aggressive, etc.

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11y ago

Some non-aggressive tropical fish that are also beautiful include tetras, guppies, and mollies. All are well suited to a home aquarium and are easy to care for.

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Q: What are some non aggressive tropical fish that are also very beautiful?
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What are some aggressive tropical fish?

green terror, red devils, blackbelts, oscars, BETTA FISH

Does this sound like a good tropical fish community?

Tropical fish must be mixed with other fish that are well adapted to the same community as the tropical fish are. These would be fish that are non-aggressive, and like basically the same foods, water temperatures, plants and environment.

Guppies why have them as pets?

Guppies are an incredibly hardy tropical fish which makes them excellent for beginner fish hobbyists. They are also quite easy to breed and they come in many beautiful colours.

Can goldfish and angelfish live in the same tank?

Angel fish are semi aggressive fish. They may have a tendancy to pick on the gold fish. Also, angelfish need tropical warm water to survive. Gold fish like cold water. I would not put them together. If the Angel is big enough it will eat your goldfish.

Are black mollies a tropical fish?

i have a guppy and two black mollies in the same tank,and they get along perfectly fine so far.but sometimes,you get the occasional aggressive molly and it might attack your guppy. you should also ask your local pet store to see which fish can get along and which can't.

What predatory fish has the word bar in it?

Barracuda is a predatory fish with the word "bar" in it. It is known for its elongated body, sharp teeth, and aggressive behavior when hunting for prey in tropical waters.

What are some tropical fish?

There are many tropical fish on the link i posted that should help if you click on the name you will also get a picture of what the fish looks like. Hope i could help.

What is the difference between tropical fish and freshwater fish?

"Tropical" simply means the aquarium is kept above 60F. "Marine" simply means the water in the aquarium has had sea salt added to make the water into sea water. Therefore it is possible to have aquaria that are "Tropical", or "Marine", and also "Tropical marine".

What fish are compatible wth neon tetras?

Small, non aggressive, tropical freshwater fish. Examples would be other tetras, mollies, platys, swords, small gouramis, rainbowfish, some less aggressive barbs, dwarf cichlids, loaches, plecos, Cory catfish.

Does it matter what tropical fish you put together?

Yes it does, very much.Fish have varying attitudes, meaning that some are more or less aggressive than others. If the fish are not compatible then when placed in a tank together, the fish that has the greater aggressive disposition will attack the other fish.When fish fight, that too is problematic as it can led to issues such as;wounded fish, stress upon the fish and even death.Please be careful which fish you choose to place together :(

Can tropical fish live with betta fish?

Yes they would be fine (if they are plants that are ment to live underwater) for the betta splenden aka Siamese fighter fish (assuming that is the betta you are refering to) as it is a tropical fish

Why are betta fish aggressive?

Some times the fish have been brought up in an environment in which they have to be aggressive in order to survive.....................when buying a fish and looking for a nonaggressive one get the least aggressive looking one but not hte shyest....for sometimes the shyest are very sick! I hope that helps!