

Best Answer

American Toad


Box turtle




Dekay's Brown Snake


Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

Eastern Fox Squirrel

Eastern Grey Squirrel

Eastern Hog-Nosed Snake

Five-Lined Skink

Green Frog

Little Brown Bat


Monarch Butterfly


North American Wood Turtle

Northern Bobwhite

Northern Raccoon

Northern Water Snake

Painted Turtle

Rat Snake

Red Salamander

Snapping Turtle

Spotted Turtle

Striped Skunk

Southern Cricket Frog


Virginia Opossum

White-tailed deer

BirdsAmerican Crow

American Robin

Barn Owl

Barred Owl


Blue Jay

Broad-Winged Hawk

Canada Goose

Great Blue Heron

Green Heron

Indigo Bunting



Northern Cardinal

Red-Headed Woodpecker

Red-Tailed Hawk

Red-Winged Blackbird

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Short-eared Owl

Wild Turkey


InsectsAmerican Dog Tick

Black Widow Spider




Common Field Katydid

Convergent Lady Beetle

Eastern Subterranean Termite

Eastern Yellowjacket

Elephant Stag Beetle


Flower Spider

Golden Paper Wasp

Japanese Beetle (nonnative)

Luna Moth

Praying Mantis (Carolina Mantid)

Rolly Polly (Pill Bug)

Stable Fly

Tree Hole Mosquito

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"Bottom feeders" such as catfish are scavengers, as are many species of crabs.

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Q: What are some examples of aquatic scavengers?
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What is are some examples of scavengers?

I would say the animals that fart are scavengers.

What type of animal eats dead?

Scavengers. Crows & vultures are some examples.

Are scavengers omnivores?

Yes, most scavengers are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. They feed on a variety of food sources depending on what is available in their environment. Examples of scavengers include vultures, raccoons, and some species of insects.

Some examples of scavengers?

Vultures, hyenas, leopards, tyrannosaurs(prehistoric times), cheetahs, sometimes even lions!

What would be an aquatic scavenger?

An aquatic scavenger is an organism that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter in aquatic environments. Examples include crabs, shrimp, and some species of fish like catfish and eels. These organisms play a crucial role in cleaning up and recycling nutrients in aquatic ecosystems.

An animal that finds alredy dead animals to eat?

They are called scavengers. Examples of scavengers include vultures and hyenas.

What are some examples of herbivores carnivores and scavengers?

An example of a scavenger is a sea gull. An example of a herbivore is a uhhh, giraffe. An example of a carnivore is a lion. And an example of an omnivore is humans unless they are a vegetarian.

What are the scavengers in caves around the world?

Principally terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates of (world-wide) many genera and species.

What aquatic arthropods?

Some examples of aquatic arthropods include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles. These animals have exoskeletons, jointed legs, and are important components of marine ecosystems.

Why are some animals scavengers?

Hyenas, vultures, and catfish are scavengers.

What are some examples of scavengers?

Scavengers are animals that feed on carrion or refuse, rather than kill their own prey.Hyenas, vultures, and raccoons are all scavengers. Other animals such as owls and rats can act as scavengers, although they may be carnivores or omnivores."Bottom feeders" such as catfish and some crabs are scavengers.Some other animals that can be scavengers are:Wedge-tailed EagleDingoJackalCrowShark (there are many)CrabsMaggots (Fly Larvae)GoannasFlathead(a fish in Australia)Heksia (found in Africa)Vultures, carrion crows

What are examples of aquatic animals?

zebra shark