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fish lives up to when a fish dies.i had this beutiful fish,that was part of my lived so long.until one day it died.i started crying.but all i can say is that i will never ever forget my fish.

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Q: What age does a fish live up to?
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How long does a regular fish live?

A regular fish probably live between 500 - 1000 years, which is pretty long time!!! Well, it depends on the fishes health, and sort of fish you buy. Some fishes can die in about age of 200 because diseases. Well that all depends on what kind of fish it is. For example if it is only a goldfish then it can live up to about 5 years. however if it is a fish that lives in the ocean and not in your fish tank at home then it could live up to about 100 years maybe more. As said before it all depends on what kind of fish it it.

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it does live it is a fish crashed up and put some sauce

How long do fish live up to?

They live up to their late 80's

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A saw fish looks alot like a shark. What is different is that a saw fish, at the head part it is like a saw. That is why it is called a saw fish. The name has a clue.

How long do fish live up too?

fish can live up too there late 80's. They can even last up too a 100 years!

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How long do puffer fish live up to?

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They can live up to 3 at the average "old" age. Some live older!

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