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if you're refferring them to being young then no

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Q: What age do goldfish breed?
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If it is spring why dont my goldfish breed?

Well, they have to be mature also, which is about a few years of age.

Can goldfish breed when indoors?

Yes, goldfish can breed in the home aquarium.

When is breed season for a goldfish?

Usually Goldfish breed spring and early summer

What is the best time to breed goldfish?

In late spring of early summer is the best time to breed goldfish.

Will goldfish breed with koi?

Yes they can cross breed.

Where are goldfish breed?

my house

Can a goldfish impregnate a minnow?

No. A goldfish can only breed with other Carassiusspecies.

When do goldfish usually breed?


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Can goldfish see other goldfish?

Yes of course. Otherwise, how would they breed?

How much does a goldfish breed?

about 3 times