Photic Zone
In the sea, in lakes and in rivers. In all cases the plans would need to be in the photic zone.
Zones 1 and 2 only.
world map
Deep Ocean Zones
there are 24 time zones
usually you find most of the zones of earthquakes and volcanoes at a plate boundary.
The best page to find out about international time zones is a page called "TimeAndDate". On their website you will find all the different time zones. You can even search after a particular city to find out what time it is in their timezone.
You can find Nintendo Zones in locations such as McDonalds, Bestbuy and Future Shop.
You can find them in the Mountains.
Check out the related interactive link to find time zones around the world.
A person looking to find a tutorial or guide for using Solaris Zones can find this information in quite a few different places. Some places that offer help for using Solaris Zones include Solaris Blog, Oracle, and Softpanorama.