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Q: The specialized larvae of freshwater bivalves that parasitize fish are called?
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Bivalves take in sea water through hollow tubes called?

siphons. Siphons are specialized structures that allow bivalves to intake and expel water for feeding, respiration, and reproduction.

Why are bivalves called bivalves?

It has two valves, hence bi....

What are mollusks that have two shells held together by hinges and strong muscles called?

they are called bivalves .(:

What is one way that cnidarians and mollusks differ?

Cnidarians have radial symmetry and specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes, while mollusks typically have bilateral symmetry and a muscular foot for movement.

Why are snails called Univales and crabs called bivalves?

Valve means shell. A snail is a univalve because it only has one shell. Crabs are not considered bivalves. The bivalves are a group of mollusks which includes clam, mussels, and oysters, all of which have two shells enclosing the animal, hence their classification as bivalves.

What is a freshwater mussel called?

A freshwater mussel is also called a unionid mussel or naiad.

Is a two-shelled mollusk?

it is called a bivalve

Bivalves take in sea water through hollow tubes called adductor muscles?


Salwater and freshwater mix is what?

Saltwater and Freshwater mixed is called brackish water.

Mollusks' group of organs is called a?

1. Gastropods: they make up the largest group of mollusks. They have a single shell that is often spiral-shaped. Also thy live in freshwater, saltwater, and terrestrial environment. 2. Bivalves: they include clams, oyster, mussels, and scallops. Most bivalves live in marine or freshwater environments. They use their feet for for digging and anchoring in the mud or sand. 3. Cephalopods: Cephalopods such as squids and octopuses are faster and more agile than gastropods and bivalves. They are marine predators and their mouth is are the center of their foot, which is surrounded by long tentacle-like arms to catch and hold prey. Plato users: C) a foot, a mantle, and a visceral mass

What is the place called were freshwater and saltwater meet?

An estuary is the place where freshwater and saltwater meet.

Which kind of mollusk uncludes clams and oysters?

The kind of mollusk includes clams and oysters is called bivalves.