This depends mainly on the species you buy. Talk with the store owner about it.
no. a fish bowl is way way way too small for any fish, let alone a group of tiger barbs and mollies.
A very good use for Fish Bowls is to use them as a vase. They should never be used to keep a fish in. They are far too small.
Yes, depending on the type of fish. If it's a Betta fish then yes, but I recommend At least a 7"L x 5"W tank if you want a small one. For a Gold fish and generally all other small fish, it should be Bigger than 10"L x 6"W.
a small cage, like a plastic fish tank with rocks
You can keep your slider in a small outdoor pond stocked with small live feeder fish, small snails, and aquatic plants. You can also keep him in an 75 gallon plus indoor tank. You should always bring your turtle in for the winter to keep him from hibernating or from freezing to death.
No, you should never keep a male and female betta fish together for long time periods. They should only be put in the same tank for breeding purposes and then separated after.
No, snails and betta fish should not be kept together in the same tank as betta fish are known to be aggressive and may harm or even kill the snails. It is best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure their well-being.
Not unless you had another fish in there.
They are predatory..They keep numbers of small fish down to acceptable levels.
Get the parakeet if you can keep up with it