

Sharks never go into fresh water?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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14y ago

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salt water sharks typically do not go into fresh water, but sometimes they do. some sharks have been in freshwater for so ling that they have adapted and become freshwater charks. though this is uncommon, it does happen

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Q: Sharks never go into fresh water?
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no, take for instance the Zambezi shark (also known as the bull shark) that often go into rivers (which naturally have fresh water) and cause a lot of deaths annually

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AnswerBull sharks are the only shark that can go between salt and fresh water. Actually the Bull sharks can survive in fresh water for months. They birth their babies in the sound. They feed on the abundant Mullet. Albemarle sound is a fresh water sound. Please see latest Shark documentaries to get latest info. Bull sharks have been found on the south side of Albemarle sound near the route 32 bridge. (By the old Soundview).SharkBioBull sharks can swim upstream any river that connects to the Ocean. They have been sighted thousands of miles up the Amazon

Are bull sharks in the Columbia River in Oregon?

No. They are saltwater fish and the Columbia River is fresh water. Actually your wrong about that....Bull Sharks are the only Sharks that can go from salt water to fresh water and they are looking for new feeding ground....Fact, one has already been spotted in our Oregon river's.

When have bull sharks attacked in Lake Michigan?

NONE, there have been no sharks in any of the great lakes. That's because there has to be a river attached to an ocean, and there are no salt water rivers attached to the great lakes. But Bull sharks have been known to go into fresh water to have their babies so watch out if you are in the Mississippi River because they have been found there, and they are the MOST dangerouse shark in the world!

How cold of water do sharks go in?

They will go in almost any temperature of water

Is there 1 shark that is harmless?

Yes, the nurse shark is harmless So is the cat fish (it's technically a type of shark) yes there is, the fresh water sharks. they are about 10cm in lenghth is my memory serves correct. they can be in the same tank with other fresh water fish. i hope this comes as help to whatever you are doing. All sharks can be harmless, just don't go out your way to get bitten.

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some types may go extinct but sharks will probably never die out. LONG LIVE SHARKS!! :D

Where is fresh water Pokemon Yellow?

You have to go to Celadon and go to the top of the mart where there are vending machines that you can get the fresh water from.

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