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No. A whale shark is a fish.

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Q: Is whale shark a dinosaur
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Which is stronger a whale shark or a dinosour?

It depends on the dinosaur. Most dinosaurs were actually fairly small. However the largest dinosaurs were definitely bigger than a whale shark.

Was the megladon the largest water dinosaur?

Carcharodon megalodon was a type of shark, not a dinosaur. They are the largest fish we know of, with a length of about 50 feet and a weight greater than that of the modern whale shark.

Who will win a fight a dinosaurs or a shark?

It depends, if the shark where a megladon and was in water it would win even against Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now if your talking out water dinosaurs ( which are really sea reptiles) it would probaly be a tie. But regular shark Vs dinosaur, dinosaur wins.

How much bones does a dinosaur, seal , tiger , human , kid , baby , shark and a killer whale have?

Dinosaur approximately 200 Human = 206 bones. Sharks do not have bones

What does it mean when a whale shark strain?

When a whale eats a shark or a shark eats a whale

Do whale sharks have shark or whale tails?

They have shark tails. If they have shark tails then they'd be catagorized for a shark. They are called a whale shark because their big like a whale and shark because it is a shark (tail)

What type of whale is a shark?

The Whale Shark?

Who is big whale shark or blue whale?

Blue whales are the biggest; they are bigger than the biggest known dinosaur. Personally, I think that blue whales are bigger. If I'm wrong, tell me.

Is a Whale Shark a Whale or a Shark or a hybrid?

It is a shark that looks like a whale. It is also the biggest fish.

What is bigger a whale shark or anchovies?

A whale shark.

Why is a whale shark a baleen whale?

its not. its a type of shark.

What is the biggest Whale shark on record?

whale shark