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"You catched a fish" is poor grammar -- it should be "you caught a fish."

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Q: Is this statement a standard slang jargon dialect or ungrammatical you catched a fish?
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Define this statement as standard slang jargon dialect or ungrammatical you catched a fish?

fuccc u :)

A dialect is ungrammatical because it differs from Standard English?

It is not accurate to label a dialect as "ungrammatical" simply because it is different from Standard English. Dialects reflect the unique linguistic patterns and variations of a particular region or community, and they may have their own grammatical rules and structures that differ from the standard language. It is important to recognize and respect linguistic diversity and understand that different varieties of a language can be grammatically sound within their own context.

Is true or false that a dialect is ungrammatical because it differs from standard English?

False. A dialect is not ungrammatical simply because it differs from standard English. Dialects have their own set of grammatical rules and structures that are appropriate within that particular linguistic community. Different dialects may have variations in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, but they are still linguistically valid forms of communication.

What is the Spanish dialect that is now standard?

The standard Spanish dialect is known as "Castilian Spanish," which is based on the dialect spoken in the Castile region of Spain. It is considered the official language of Spain and is widely used in media, education, and government.

Why is Standard English Bad?

Standard English is the literary dialect. It is not "bad."

What is the opposite of dialect?

The opposite of dialect is standard language. It refers to the form of a language that is considered most widely accepted or correct within a particular region or community.

Why does the author write in stockblack dialect for naturalism to make a statement for humor?

to make a statement of humor.

What is the difference between a standard and non-standard dialect?

A standard dialect is considered the official or prestigious form of a language, often associated with education, media, and government. Non-standard dialects refer to regional or social varieties that deviate from the standard in terms of vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation.

Is a dialect considered standard English?

No, a dialect is a regional or social variety of a language that differs from the standard form. Standard English refers to the form of English that is widely accepted as the correct and proper way to speak and write the language.

What is minority dialect?

A minority dialect is a dialect spoken by a smaller group of people within a larger community or region. It may have distinct linguistic features compared to the dominant or standard dialect of the language.

Which is most widely understood dialect?

Standard american english

Why is it so important to have standard dialect?

so that people can communicate effectively