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You will not find the usual sharks in Lake Tahoe. However, there could be bull sharks in there because they can survive in fresh water, and they have been known to attack.

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It can be in a salt water lake connected to the ocean or sometimes in a freshwater tropical river such as the Amazon. Sharks can never be in a freshwater lake.

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Are lake sharks real?

In Nicaragua, lake sharks are real. Everywhere else, not so much.maybe

Does kawana lake have sharks in it?

Yeah it has Bull sharks

What is the only fresh water lake in the world to have sharks?

Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only freshwater lake in the world known to have Bull sharks. These sharks have adapted to the lake's environment and have been able to thrive in its freshwater conditions.

Which is the only lake in the world that has sharks?

Lake Nicaragua

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Bull sharks but what else

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no, cones us lake freezes in the winter so it is incapable of sharks to survive

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no, they can not

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Are there sharks in Lake George?

No. There are no sharks in Lake George. Do not believe the urban legends about bull sharks swimming up the river. There have been no shark attacks in the Hudson River either.

Do sharks live in lake mead?

Bull sharks, Tiger sharks and even the deadly white shark inhabit lake mead. I have seen a 22 foot white shark right off the banks at lake mead. They eat the cows and pigs that fall into the water there. Be very careful while vacationing at lake mead. It could be your last.

Do bull sharks live in silver lake?

Bull sharks are salt water animals, so the only way that one could live in "lake of the woods" would be if the lake were a salt water lake.

Are there bull sharks in lake Washington?

No sightings have ever been reported and I dont think it connects to the ocean in any way