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Yes there is. It is known as the Pacific Barreleye fish. Its head is transparent.

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Q: Is there any fish that is transparent?
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What do you call the transparent fish?

It is called jelly fish

Are there any mammals birds or reptiles that are transparent enough that one can clearly see its bones?

No, none that I have ever heard about. Chanda Ranga, or the glass fish is a transparent fish of which you can see its bones. The bad thing is that its not a mammal or bird or reptile. see link below.

What skins do fish have?

Scales, just like other fish. Only thinner and more transparent.

Why are x-ray fish called x-ray fish?

Because it's nearly transparent.

Why fish in the lake B aikal is transparent?

because its idiot

Who sings the song for plenty of fish commercial?

Amos The Transparent

What color do most fish have?

Fish come in every color you can imagine. There are even some fish whose bodies are totally transparent!

Do perch fish have eyelids?

yes but what is it to youAs with most fish, perch fish do not have eyelids. They are, however, covered by a layer of transparent integument or coating to keep the eye a perch fish does not have eyelids but they have viginas

What does a black swallower?

The Black Swallower can eat any fish that is bigger than it's own size. I can eat bony fish. In most pictures, a Black Swallower has a snake mackerel in its transparent overstretched stomach.

What skin do x-ray fish have?

Scales, just like other fish. Only thinner and more transparent.

Are fish opaque?

Yes, fish are opaque because they are not transparent nor translucent, and light can't pass through them!

How do you use transparent in a sntence?

The word 'transparent' can be literal or figurative. Literal example: Some fish have transparent skin so you can see their bones and organs. Figurative example: That movie plot was so transparent. I could tell how it would end before it was half way through.