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I dont think so!!

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Q: Is there a place that ship buffalo fish ribs?
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How do you use the word ribs in a sentence?

The broken hull exposed the shattered ribs of the grounded ship, lying askew in the shoals. My ribs hurt!

What is a futtock?

A futtock is a curved timber which forms the ribs of a ship.

What is the central beam of a ship?

That would be the spine, to which the ribs are connected.

Where the crew meals were cooked in this part of the ship?


Weight in my belly trees on your back nails in your ribs feet do you lack?

A ship.

What does a colonial shipwright do?

a colonial shipwright is a person who makes the bow, hull, keel, masts, and the ribs of the ship that they made. A bow is the forward part of the ship, the hull is the frame, or body, of a ship, a keel is the long piece of wood at the bottom of a ship that runs from the front of the ship to the back, masts are long poles that rise from the deck of a ship. They support the ship's sails and rigging, and the ribs are part of a ship's frame that run from the keel to the deck.

What kind of fish are they catching at Seacliff cement ship?

There are a few fish that people have caught off the sea cliff cement ship. Some of the fish are king fish, sand crab and calico surfperch. There are caught a few different kinds of fish off the Sea cliff cement ship. Some of the fish that are there are sand crabs, calico surfperch and king fish.

Brain teaser there is a spider a bird a dog and a buffalo on a boat even if a speck of dirt lands in the boat it will sink the buffalo does a poo why doesn't it sink?

Because the poo was already on the ship. First it was in the buffalo, but now it's out of the buffalo.

Weight in my belly trees on your back nails in your ribs feet do you lack What am I?

An asthma attack! IS INCORRECT The correct answer is a SHIP

Can you ship a live fish overnight?


What is the analogy for fish is to school as ship is to?


What does was laid down mean?

Where & when the keel was laid down; meaning when they started building the bottom of the ship (the keel is the bottom of the ship). Like a person's spine and ribs, a ship is the same way, only made of metal instead of bone.