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according to its birth certificate it is the oldest - until we find another one

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Q: Is the oldest whale shark still alive?
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What is The Biggest fish on Earth Still Alive?

The Whale Shark

Which shark the biggest?

The biggest shark is the megalodon, but it's extinct. Some people say it is still alive, even though it lived when the dinosaurs used to be alive. I hoped this info helped ;) If you mean sharks that are still alive, the largest is the whale shark then the basking shark.

How are fish and whales similer?

Whale sharks are the biggest shark alive today. The megalodon is the worlds largest shark only 12 feet bigger Than a Whale shark.

Does the megalodon shark still alive?

No, the megalodon shark is extinct. The last known megalodon lived approximately 2.6 million years ago.

Is the whale shark bigger than the blue whale?

No. Whale sharks are the largest known fish alive today, but blue whales (which are mammals) are the largest known animals. Whale sharks are up to 50 feet long and can weigh over 23 tons, but blue whales are up to 100 feet long and weigh 200 tons.

What is the biggest shark alive?

whale sharkgreat whte in Australia it was 15 ft long

Is the largest shark alive?

The largest shark ever to live was megalodon, Upto 67 ft long.

What does it mean when a whale shark strain?

When a whale eats a shark or a shark eats a whale

Do whale sharks have shark or whale tails?

They have shark tails. If they have shark tails then they'd be catagorized for a shark. They are called a whale shark because their big like a whale and shark because it is a shark (tail)

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What type of whale is a shark?

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