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the megamouth shark is smaller than that so that can be rediculios

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Q: Is the megamouth shark 100 tons?
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What is the fifth largest shark?

the megamouth shark is the fifth largest shark this fish is 100 tons the same as the blue whale

Is the megamouth shark dangerous?

No. the megamouth sharks is a filter feeder and is behind the size of the basking shark which is 33 feet and the megamouth 16 feet long over twice the sice of a caribbean reef shark, and i think the megamouth is about up to 15 tons.

How long will the megamouth shark live?

How long does megamouth live

Have anyone ever heard of the Megamouth Whale?

The 'Megamouth whale' doesn't exist, but there is a Megamouth shark.

What is a shark that starts with the letter 'M'?

The Megamouth shark, or the Mako shark.

What type of shark starts with M?

Megamouth shark is a rare shark species. It is a deepwater shark.

What ocean does the megamouth shark live in?

Megamouth sharks live in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans.

Is a megamouth shark the biggest shark?

no but probably the biggest shark that lives in deep waters.

What is the biggest shark that may not exist?

Megamouth Shark!!! It lived in the same era as the dinosours!!!The existance of the megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) is a fact, it is not a cryptid.It really exits, beyond any doubt, and it is classified in the family Megachasmidae.

What eats the megamouth?

The megamouth is a plankton feeder, just like the basking shark.The Megamouth shark uses its gillrakers to catch food such as "euphasiid shrimp, copepods, and jellyfish" (

Which would win a whale shark or a megamouth shark?

Neither they both eat plankton and do not fight

What sharks start with M?

Mackerel sharks are an order of sharks. Megamouth shark is a type of shark.