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As with many other fish, the female trout lays her eggs, and the male trout releases his semen over them, so that the eggs are not fertilized inside the female fish.

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external due to laying eggs

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Q: Is rainbow trout fertilization external or internal?
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Are rainbow trout diurnal?

Yes, Rainbow trout are diurnal.

What trout is considered the fishermans trout?

Rainbow trout

Do rainbow trout eat shrimp?

a hungry rainbow trout will eat anything

Do rainbow trout eat small rainbow trout?

Yes, trout are a cannibal fish. They eat their own species.

How does a trout undergo fertilization?

A trout undergos fertilization in the water, while a bird does not.. They are both reproduced asexually.

Where can you buy a pet rainbow trout?

well, first of all, you can not buy rainbow trout. i know i know rainbow trouts are popular fish but buying a pet rainbow trout is impossible. if you really want to get a pet rainbow trout, then get a hunters purmit and go catch one

A tourist attraction in Rotorua where rainbow trout can be seen?

Fairy springs is where you can see Rainbow trout

Do you capitalize rainbow trout?

No, "rainbow trout" is not capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

What class do rainbow trout fish belong to?

The rainbow trout, also known as a steelhead, belongs to the classActinopterygii.

What is the scientific name of a rainbow trout?

The scientific name of a Rainbow Trout is Oncorhynchus mykiss.

Is a Golden Rainbow Trout an albino?

No, it is not an albino. An albino by definition is a "an animal or plant with a marked deficiency in pigmentation". The fact that these trout have pigment means they are not ablino.What they actually are called is "Palomino Rainbow Trout". The Golden Rainbow Trout originated from a single Rainbow Trout that was spawned in the fall of 1954 in West Virginia. This trout's body color was a chimera of golden and normally pigmented tissue. When this fish was crossed with a normally pigmented Rainbow Trout, the offspring (what we have come to refer to as Palomino Rainbow Trout) were lighter in color.I caught one this past Saturday here in Oklahoma.

Is a rainbow trout a herbivore?

Rainbow trout are primarily carnivorous, feeding on insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish. They are not herbivores.