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No the koi and the red fantails tails have a difference with the tails, the red fantail is bubbly and the koi is straight so the koi will get more food and will pick on your other red fantails

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Q: Is it O.K to put a red fantail and a Koi together?
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What does a red pink koi fish represent?

On Children's Day in Japan, koi fish flags are often flown to symbolize each member of the family. Black koi symbolizes the father; red and orange koi for the mother, blue and white koi for the son, red and pink koi stands for each daughter.

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Became a coluar

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Red, yellow, or red and yellow put together.

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if you put red and blue together you get Purple.

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What is the meaning of a red coy fish as a tatto?

Colors of the fish doesn't mean anything They say : The Koi is symbolic with family. Black Koi, the father; Orange/Red, the mother; Blue/White for a boy; and red/pink for a girl.

What breed of fish gets along with the fantail goldfish other than the fantail goldfish?

another gold fish or try asking someone in a pet shop that sells fish maybe they can help

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well to make green u put blue & yellow together and to make brown u put red & green together

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The animals of Japan are: Koi, Racoon Dog, and the Red- crowned crane.

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Can you put a red tail boa an a ball python together?

no, dont even try