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Q: Is exemplified by a new starfish developing out of a single ray or arm?
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How many pages does The Arm of the Starfish have?

The Arm of the Starfish has 243 pages.

What special features does a starfish have to help it survive?

Some starfish can shed an arm and grow a new one later if a predator has caught an arm in its mouth.Some, but very few,can grow an entire body from a single ray.

When was The Arm of the Starfish created?

The Arm of the Starfish was created on 1965-01-01.

What is the ISBN of The Arm of the Starfish?

The ISBN of The Arm of the Starfish is 0-374-30027-5.

Explain what amazing thing happens to the starfish when they loose an arm?

A starfish can grow a new arm!

What is so unique about the starfish?

The starfish can regenerate a lost arm.

Is a sea star produces a new arm after loosing one to a predator reproduction?

After some time the arm will grow back. If it happens to lose the arm again, it will grow back again. As long as the starfish does not lose its main body (the middle portion) it has the ability to regenerate a single or multiple lost arms. The time it takes for the starfish to replace a lost arm depends on the overall health of the starfish and age.

Starfish are capable of growing a new starfish from a single arm if it is bitten off by a fish or pulled off by force This type of asexual reproduction is called?


What is the diversity of starfish?

The starfish is an amazingly diverse aquatic animal. The starfish is able to regrow an arm, and able to regrow a whole new body from a detached arm.

What adaptations do starfish have?

a starfish can shed an arm and grow it back bye(:

If you cut off a starfish's arm will it grow into another starfish?


Sea stars breeding?

Starfish are able to reproduce sexually and asexually. Asexually, the starfish are able to reproduce if part of the starfish's arm is removed, along with part of the central body. From that detached piece, another starfish will form, along with the first starfish regenerating a new arm where the original arm was located.