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It is a bit too warm. Bettas breed at around 78F to 80F. Over 80F and the nest bubbles burst too easily and often, so the fish spends more time rebuilding his nest than looking after his fry so that is just a tad too warm. Between 75F and 78F is perfect.

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Q: Is 80 degrees an ok temperature for your betta fish?
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Water temperature for breeding betta's?

72 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit

Do betta fish live in coldwater or hotwater?

Betta fish are from Asia (unlike the common beleif they live in puddles, that is a mere MYTH) They are used to temperatures of 80 degrees F. or above BUT For a healthy fish in your own bowl (about 2 gallons for your fish... DO NOT use a smaller tank than 2 gallons) Bettas in your home should have water the temperature of at LEAST 75 Degrees F. to 79 degrees F., when breeding your fish it should be about 80 degrees F. But befor eyou do breed your fish Read up on it. --Amber the fish girl

What temperature does the fighting fish live at?

78-80 degrees they are tropical fish

What temperature is necessary for the fish in an Aquarium survive?

26 degrees 26 degrees is in Celsius. In F it is about 77 degrees. In fact most of tropical fish likd the temperature about 75 degrees F. The range is from 70 to 80 degrees. My 75-gallon aquarium I keep at 75 degrees with a heater and my fish are all fine. Sometimes you may need to rainse the temperature to 80 degrees F if your fish contact a disease. Check with your pet store or on the internet to see the specific temperature for your fish.

Do betta fish need filters or heaters?

Betta fish do not enjoy currents that come from filters. You could put in a filter but I would recommend not to. Also, Heaters are unnecessary as long as you keep the water 70-80 degrees.

What is the ideal temperature for tropical fish water?

The ideal temperature for tropical fish water is typically between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature of water betta fish live in?

Room temporature ** You have to be kidding me ^ Anyway, temp should be 74-82F. YES you can keep a fish ALIVE at whatever you think "room temperature" is. But you can stay alive in the bottom of a well for a week. Doesn't mean it's a good idea or that you won't get very sick. Keeping something "alive" does not excuse people from mistreating and neglecting their loving pets.

What is the ideal water temperature for a fish bowl?

The ideal water temperature for a fish bowl is typically between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to maintain a consistent temperature to ensure the health and well-being of the fish.

Is 70 degree enough for tropical fish?

The correct temperature for tropical fish is 72 to 80 degrees. I keep mine at a constant 75 degrees with a heater designed for aquariums.

Is it important to have thermometers in a fish tank?

Yes it is important to have a thermometer in your fish tank. The temperature of the water should be between 75-80 degrees.

What does it mean if your betta looks like it has fur?

It has fur coat syndrome and will most likely not survive. If it is in an aquarium with other fish (especially fish related to bettas) you should get an antibiotic to treat the water with to prevent the other fish from catching it. It is normally caused by your bettas water getting to cold (below 74 degrees F). Bettas are tropical fish and like to have their water at around 78-80 degrees. Sorry about your betta.

What is Alaska lowest temperature?

Minus 80 degrees F.