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The orca, no doubt. A crocodile is much smaller than an orca, and orcas are regarded as "wolves of the sea" because of their excellent hunting abilities. A pack of orcas can easily make a nice meal out of a crocodile!

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Q: In a fight which would win a great white shark or an orca or a crocodile?
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Did anyone see a crocodile fight a great white shark?

Yes in a matter of fact.

Which would win a fight a great white shark or a tiger shark?

the great white shark will win

Who would win in a fight between a Saltwater Crocodile and a Great White Shark?

I saw a video of this five minutes ago on animal planet and the shark won!

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no it can't survive. ----

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A Great White shark would beat a bull shark in a fight. Now each shark has it's advantages a Great White is big and is an excellent killer. A bull shark has 40x the testosterone of a human meaning they are really aggressive. But the shear fact that of the great white's size makes it more likely to win in a fight.

In a fight who will win great white shark or the tiger shark?

A Great white shark would because of its big body Anwser given to you by Carroll Quetions

Who wins in a fight, a great white shark or a tiger shark?

A Great white shark would because of its big body Anwser given to you by Carroll Quetions

Who would win in a fight me or a shark?

It depends what sharks we are dealing with if we are dealing with a Great White Shark then you will lose the fight. But if it is a Great White but is stuck on land or stranded on a boat then that might be you.

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Crocodile vs shark?

In a fight between a crocodile and a shark, the outcome would depend on the location. In water, the advantage would likely be with the shark due to its agility and ability to swim faster. On land or in shallow waters, the crocodile's powerful bite and armored body would give it the upper hand.

Is a great white shark stronger than a crocodile?

As crocodiles are normally found no where near the oceans, I would have to say that the crocodiles and sharks ever coming close to each other is slim to none. Thus my answer is its a moot question as the chances of these two animals even seeing each other is rare. To stretch this out a bit, a great white shark at twenty feet long, and weighing upwards of two thousand pounds, is a greater match for a crocodile in those two terms alone.

Which animal has lots of teeth crocodile or shark?

Sharks of course cuz theres more fish than people goin round alligators