A mstery snail will clean your tank at pets mart there like $3.00
No; although clams filtrate water, they are not able to crawl on surfaces eating algae like snails do.
Yes or the snail will take in to muck backteria and die :)
No, it is not safe to house a snail with a betta fish. Betta fish are known to be aggressive and may harm or even kill the snail. It is best to keep them in separate tanks.
Snail can clean glass, crab cannot. Crab can lift rocks and eat what is under them, snail cannot.
Once a week. Change water every 2-3 weeks. Keep it clean though.
when it rains a snails shell gets clean a snail loves being dirty snail owners clean the shells with wet tissue or a soft tooth brush. hope this helps ;]
You can put a snail in a small 5 or 10 gallon fish tank with a screen. Or one of those plastic tanks with removable lid. They need to be in a closed container, but with breathing holes. But holes NOT big enough for the snail to get out.
Hamster cages are probably better because they are easy to clean. Tanks are likely to get dirty and may get discoloured.
It depends on how big your tank is. Smaller tanks are usually easier to clean, while bigger tanks will take a longer period of time.