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Q: How much water do fiddler crabs need?
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What are facts about fiddler crabs?

they need land and water

Can hermit crabs live with fiddler crabs?

No, Hermit Crabs and Fiddler crabs require two different environments. The Hermit Crab would drown in the water a Fiddler Crab needs. You can always ask your local pet store if there is any way possible though. Some hermit crabs live on land others live in water even land hermit need two enter salt water , fiddler crabs are brackish or fresh hermit crabs can't breathe in those environments

What will you need to maintain the fiddler crabs habitat?

you kill the fiddler crab

How much kg do fiddler crabs weigh?

It's hard to know how much a fiddler crab weighs because there are many different types. But I do know that a fiddler crab's large claw weighs about half of it's body weight.

What kind of crab can you put in with your tropical fish?

No crabs cannot live in a tropical tank. If you go to a petstore they will try to sell you small fiddler crabs, however they do not live in freshwater, they live in brackish water like most small crabs. All brackish water crabs need to be able to be out of water for a certain period of time. If you do buy one of these crabs and put them in your tank they will only be able to survive around a month.

How much salt do you use in fresh water to make salt water for crabs?

You can make salt water for fiddler crabs. You need to use sea salt. Never use table salt. And you need to use distilled water or water that has been treated to remove the chlorine. You can get sea salt at a pet store. 1 tea salt to 1 gallon water. Change it often.

Do fiddler crabs need a fish tank with a pump or can they live in a fish bowl?

they cannot live in either amigo they MUST have land to walk around on so unless you have a rock,plant,etc. that sticks out of the water i am sorry

Do hemit crabs need lots of water and what king of water do they need does it have to be special water or can it be tap water?

Well you can give them tap water but you need a sponge. Fill it with water, nice and full and set it in your crabs cage.

Can fiddler crab live without water?

Fiddler crabs come from the mangroves where there may be a regular fresh water flush so they may survive for a short while in fresh water. They will not however be able to live for long because they need the calcium and other elements in sea water in order for them to get the neccessities for shell growth.

Do Halloween crabs need water?


Do hermit crabs drink fresh water?

Yes, hermit crabs do need access to fresh water for hydration. They cannot survive solely on saltwater and should have a dish of fresh water available at all times for them to drink and also to help maintain proper moisture levels in their environment.

Do hermit crabs live in fresh or salt water?

Hermit crabs do need both types of water but they need both water because they need to clean themselves and they just drink salt water.