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Goldfish are coldwater fish and need their water about 55F. Angelfish are tropical fish and need their water about 80F so they could not live for long under the same conditions. If you wished to keep both species then you would need two tanks set up in totally different ways. The minimum sized tank to house one of either of the species is about 12 gallons. For two Goldfish or two Angelfish you would need at least a 30 US Gallon tank because they grow quite large. Aquarium prices vary depending upon who you buy one off. They are often seen at Garage sales and are also advertised second hand in the "for sale, classifieds" section of newspapers.

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14y ago

some fish tanks are big and some are small,so around $15 to $30 for medium small tanks and around $60 to about $150. again it matters on what size the fish tank is and how big your fish are.

What do you mean "goldfish tank"? This is what I think. I single ADULT goldfish needs 15 gallons with another 5-10 gallos for additional goldish. I keep my baby goldfish in a 5 gallon but when he hits 5", he is movin to a 20 gallon with an adult goldfish to keep him company. Anyway, you can buy a good sized kit from petsmart. I baught my 5 gal for $44.99 and you can buy a 20 gallon kit for just around $91.99! I recomend getting new filters though cuz the ones that come with kits...well. They suck.


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Can you breed goldfish in a one gallon tank?

No. A one gallon tank is not appropriate for a singular goldfish much less multiple. A ten gallon tank is the bare minimum for a singular goldfish and breeding would require a tank of twenty gallons or more. A one gallon tank cannot handle the chasing that proceeds goldfish mating nor maintain a water quality that is suitable for raising goldfish fry.

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What should you put in your goldfish tank?

It is important to remember to put things in a goldfish tank, even goldfish get bored. Some of my suggestions for tank decor are artificial plants and a "hidey hole" for your goldfish.

How much would a fish tank cost for a goldfish?

between $7 and $50

Will goldfish stop eating when they are full?

Healthy goldfish will always be hungry and eager for food.Yes all fish will stop eating when they have had enough. It is impossible to overfeed goldfish because they do not over eat. It is not hard to put too much food in their tank or pond because they do not eat very much. If you do this the fish will not eat it all so the left over food will go rotten and poison the water.

Can goldfish stay in the tank when platy fry are in?

You should not have goldfish and platies in the same tank ever.

Can goldfish die from cleaning the tank to much?

Leaving a dead goldfish in your tank will boost ammonia levels.. You dont want ammonia in your tank. It rapidly kills fish

Can shrimp coexist with goldfish in the same tank?

No, shrimp and goldfish should not be kept together in the same tank as goldfish may eat the shrimp.

What are the recommended tank size requirements for keeping a goldfish in a 5-gallon tank?

A 5-gallon tank is not recommended for keeping a goldfish. Goldfish require a larger tank size to thrive, ideally 20 gallons or more for a single goldfish. A larger tank provides more space for the goldfish to swim and grow, as well as better water quality.

How does the size of a goldfish tank affect the growth of the goldfish?

The size of a goldfish tank can affect the growth of the goldfish. A larger tank provides more space for the goldfish to swim and grow, leading to healthier and potentially larger fish. In contrast, a smaller tank can restrict the fish's movement and growth, potentially stunting their development.

Can four goldfish live in a ten gallon tank?

depends, can a ten gallon tank live in a goldfish

What is the benefit of breeding goldfish?

getting more goldfish in your tank