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Q: How much do megalodon babies weigh when they are born?
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How much to preterm babies weigh?

it depends it can weigh from 1 pound to 5 pounds.

How much did pharaoh khafre weigh when he was born?

Weighing newborn babies is a fairly recent trend. We are not sure who his mother was, or the years he reigned, much less how much he weighed.

Who is larger megalodon or spinosaurus?

Spinosaurus is estimated to have been 49 feet long and weigh 4.4 to 10 tons or more. Megalodon was at least 50 feet long and thus would have weighed over 53 tons. Thus, Megalodon was much heavier than Spinosaurus but was only slightly longer.

How much does a new born baby weigh?

The average is about 7 pounds, but babies can weigh below and above that. so perhaps 6-10 pounds.well it may depend on God because he can do anything.

How much did the megladn weigh?

Megalodon is estimated to have weighed around 50 to 70 tons, making it one of the largest known marine predators in history.

How much can a baby woodland caribou weigh up to?

Woodland caribou babies weigh 12 pounds at birth.

If a baby is born premature is it early or is it late?

Pre = before It is early Pre-mature babies (that are born earlier than normal) are much smaller and weigh less than those who are born on time, or late.

How much baby bald eagels can weigh up to?

babies can way about nothing there jusst littl babies probaly 2 or 3 pounds

How much do baby margays weigh?

The margay is like an ocelot and belongs to Mammalia family. The babies weigh only a pound or two at birth, and they grow to weigh about 8 pounds.

How much does a moose weigh when its born?

Moose calves weigh around 25 to 40 lbs when born.

How much did Charles Darwin weigh when he was born?

Charles Darwin weighed approximately 10 pounds when he was born in 1809.

How much do komodo dragons weigh when they're babies?

It is unknown as to how much a baby komodo dragon weighs because it can vary allot.