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hagfish have 4 heart and 2 brains

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: How many hearts and brains does a hag fish have?
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Is a hag fish AA bony fish?

no a hag fish is not a bony fish

Is a hag fish vertibrate or invertibrate?

hag fish is invertibrate having skull but no vertebral column

Which is true fish?

hag fish is a true fish

What enemies do hag fish have?

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Do hag fish have gills?

all fish have gills

Do hagfishes have babies?

what do you think. every animal on earth, including hag fish must be able to reproduce. all hag fish have both sexual organs which probably means that they reproduce asexually meaning by themselves and another hag fish is not necessary. we still know very little on hag fish reproduction but to answer your question, yes they do have offspring.

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How do hag fish move?

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Hag fish

What is the scientific name of hag fish?

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