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it takes 42

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Q: How many goldfish does it take to kill someone?
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How many goldfish does it take to fill a blender?

It depends,and why are you doing that??;)

How do you take care of goldfish on Gaia?

to take care of your goldfish all u have to do is just feed it change the temperature and usually when u click on the goldfish it will show its card and it will probably tell u how many weeks it can live

How many pounds does it take kill someone by bumping into the shoulder?

It would take a lot of pressure because no one has been found dead.

How much psi does it take to kill someone?

a lot

If you move to another state and you have a goldfish what do you do?

Take your goldfish. They will travel.

What should you never do to a goldfish?

Don't take a goldfish out of water.

How does a goldfish take care of its young ones?

in a goldfish the world

How many watts are deadly?

Watts are not deadly but it would take 12 micro-watts through the heart to kill someone.

How long does it take to kill someone by hitting them with a spoon?


Bullets take how long to kill someone?

about 13 days