sharks dont lay eggs...
Not all sharks lay eggs, you will need to specify the type of shark.
two or three
yes they do lay rectangle eggs
The amount of eggs can not be predicted. It will always be different.
Sharks have a great diversity when it come to their reproductive system. There are two different ways for a Shark to reproduce depending on what kind of Shark it is, there are oviparous egg laying species and viviparous live-bearing species. Oviparous species lay eggs that develop and hatch. Where as the the viviparous species are live-bearers. The Thresher Shark belongs to the viviparous species therefore do not lay eggs. I hope that answers your question.
No, nurse sharks do not lay eggs. After mating, the eggs develop in the body and the shark gives birth to 20 to 30 pups.
Since sharks never leave the water, it is obvious that female sharks lay their eggs in the water just as all other fish do.
I won t to now where goblin sharks lay they eggs . Are goblin sharks exdinced and they males hard to find
You may wonder why but really its just how they were made sharks are still fish but they dont lay eggs cuz a lot of cold blooded animals have live birth and sharks are one of these kinds.some sharks do have babies in eggs