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It actually depends on how long it has been living. If you were to get a 2-4 year old one, about 3 days. If you were to get one 5+ then 1-4 weeks. Be careful NOT to leave the male betta in with the female too long they will DESTROY each other.

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Q: How long does it take to get a Betta fish pregnant?
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Hi how long will my Betta live in my ten gallon fish tank I take very good care of it?

A Long life for a Betta is around 30 months.

How much does it take for a betta to accept another fish?

Bettas are dumb as rocks. If you put another betta, any other anabantid like a gourami, or any long-finned fish in with a betta, the betta will fight it because he will think it's another betta. If you put a short-finned fish in with your betta, they'll live together peacefully.

You showed your betta fish a different fish that wasn't a betta and he like him Now he was chasing him every time he came by him you had to take the other fish out What is wrong?

Betta are social fish. There is nothing wrong.

What to do when your fish fights when your other fish is eating?

Take the Betta out as soon as possible.I have a Betta in my tank with other fish,but he doesnt fight with my fish at all.

How long a fish stay pregnant?

guppies stay pregnant for about a month before giving birth, other fish take longer, and others lay eggs (don't get pregnant). depends on the fish

Betta fish 2 years old maybe overfed his stomach swelled and then a white spot appeared in his side he won't eat much and sinks to the bottom a lot and is not making his bubbles what do I do?

I think your betta fish is a female. I'm assuming that it is pregnant because female betta fish have a white spot on their stomach if they're pregnant. If you have another male fish, [ but he has to be ready to mate. You can tell if he is ready if he is creating a bubble nest.] try putting them together. Before you do that, try looking for infos on them first [just in case]. I don't want things to go wrong because I might've told you the wrong things. I'm just a child that happens to take care of 2 betta fish and doesn't know about them much.. I'm not a professional of betta fish, but I found these information on the internet. I have two betta fish myself, and one lost its color.I wanted to look more info on betta fish, and learn how to take care of them better. Eventually, I learned many new things about them. Maybe you can learn more about betta fish since you are taking care of one. It's just a suggestion, but I tried looking them up on the comp and it helped me a lot. I just wanted to let you know what i have experienced. ^^ I can give you a site that tells you a lot of info about betta fish. I got most of my info about them in this site: If you want to learn more about betta fish, then just go on google, and search about them. I hope this helped and hope that your betta fish is alright.^^~!

Do you have to take the betta fish out when changing the water?

No, unless the container he/she is in is small

How long does it take a betta to complete its nitrogen cycle?

A Betta does not have a "nitrogen cycle"

How long will it take before you betta fish lays her eggs?

at least two to six hours that's my estimat bucause my fish took two days to be layed this my cousins time for his fish it dependes on how old they are

Can betta fish jump?

Yes, betta fish can jump out of the water. They have the ability to jump to escape predators or to catch prey, so it's important to have a secure lid on their tank to prevent them from jumping out.

Can you take your betta fish to school?

i have before. and i just kept them in a class room

Are female betta fish easy to take care of?

Yes very easy. Fighters are very hardy fish.