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It lives a thousand years doing whats right, when it's sick it only lives about two years

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Q: How long does a cleaner fish live?
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Where do cleaner fish live?

Cleaner fish live in coralreefs where they can easily find other fish to clean.

Is it okay for an Oscar fish and a cleaner to live together?

If by "cleaner" you mean "cleaner wrass" the answer is no. Oscars are fresh water fish and cleaner wrass are marines (ie salt water fish)

Where do cleaner wrasse live?

Cleaner wrasse live in coral reefs. They generally have a particular spot and other fish come to them to get cleaned.

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If you eat alive fish how long can it survive?

The fish can live as long as about 2 years but if yo eat alive fish the fish will live for about 2 months.

What are Cleaner Wrasse?

A cleaner wrasse is a fish that cleans fish to get there food and help the fish get heathy again.

How long is a fish year?

for how long they live for

What does a pacific cleaner fish eat?

Cleaner fish remove scales and mucus from their host.

Can cleaner fish live in a clean tank?

The only "Cleaner fish" that I know of is the Marine species called the "Cleaner Wrasse". These fish pick parasites off other fish and will even swim into larger fishes gills and mouths to clean them too. If you are thinking of Catfish as being cleaner fish, then you have got things very wrong. Catfish are bottom dwelling fish but they do not clean up dirt and rubbish. They need fresh food just like any other fish. To the best of my knowledge no species of fish do well in a dirty tank.

How long can skunk cleaner shrimp live out of water?

forever and ever