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Q: How large are claspers on a whale shark?
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What is the purpose of spines on claspers on sharks?

Aids in the transfer of spermatophores into the female cloaca.

What is the function of a siphon in a shark?

The siphon of a shark allows the sperm to be transported from the male shark, into the female shark with the help of claspers.

What size is a baby whale shark?

large sharks

Do whale shark eat large fish or small fish?

The Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) feeds on plankton and small animals.

Is a great white shark or the whale shark the most dangerous?

Great White. Whale sharks are large but relatively docile and not dangerous.

What is a monster shark that does not eat people because it is a filter feeder?

The whale shark is a large filter feeding shark.

What is a large sea creature 5 letters?

Whale, Shark

Is a whale shark a hybrid?

No, whale sharks are not hybrid. They are a species of shark. The reason they are called whale sharks is because they are so large, measuring up to fifty feet long.

What does it mean when a whale shark strain?

When a whale eats a shark or a shark eats a whale

Are whale sharks whales?

no Whale Sharks are large fish in the shark family. Whale sharks are actually not whales. Even though they can be as long as almost two buses they are sharks. They can't hurt you like some other sharks can because they don't really have any teeth. What makes them sharks? Well, they breath out of their gills instead of through a blow hole. They have rough scally skin like sharks and they also lay eggs.A whale shark is a shark, the largest living fish in the world, yet it is a filter feeder.Even though it doesnt have the same diet as a shark, it is a shark.its a shark but is named a whale shark for its large stature and feedingIt's a shark. The only thing it got in common with whales is its size.A Whale Shark is a fish and a member of the shark family. It is called a Whale Shark because the grow to very large size.