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they like water and they don't like to be dry :(

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Rhett Strosin

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1y ago
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Q: How does the crab stay on land for a short time of period?
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Why can a crab stay on land for short period of time?

they like water and they don't like to be dry :(

Why can crabs only stay on land for a short period of time?

they like water and they don't like to be dry :(

How can a crab stay on land for short periods of time?

It has gill chambers which stores water. Water contains dissolved oxygen which is needed to breathe so it can stay on land. Also, it returns to the waters once the supply of water is running out.

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What is the gill chamber function?

It can store water for the animal to stay out of water for a short period of Time.

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croocidiles can stay on land on a period of time but fishes cant

Are Crab smart?

Smart enough to stay off of my penis.

Why can a crab stay out of water though it has gills?

Because it has legs.....

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This item was available for a short time during the Christmas period.

How long can a red clawed crab stay in air?

In this situation, how hard have you thrown it?

Why does your hermit crab stay in his shell after you play with him?

maybe he is tired and wants to sleep.