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It has a pocket of air that it compreses to sink and float. The continuos water passing the gills is its form of Braeathing. Also magic.

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Q: How does the body of a fish work?
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How is the fish body regulation of a fish?

the fishes body is not to eat only the inside

What is covered in a fishes body?

All fish have a body covering of scales.

What the body shape of a fish?

flat fish

How can fish help to your body?

fish has protein

What is the body coverings of fish?

The body covery of the fish is there skins.

Why do people smell of fish?

It is actually impossible for a body to smell of fish. Unless the person gets a raw fish and rubs it all over their body, a human body cannot smell of raw fish.

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Fish has anti - oxidants which are good for the body, so fish soup and rice are healthy for the body

What body covering does a parrot-fish have?

All fish (even sharks) have a body covering of scales.

Body covering of a clown fish?

The clown fish's body is covered with scales and mucus over them.

Does bony fish have a body covering?

not all fish have skeletons on the outer skins of their body but some like the sword fish do

What is a fishes' body covering?

The body covering for a fish is called its scales. Scales on fish vary by size, color, number, and shape by species.

Dose a bony fish have a bony body?

yes b/c a bony fish has to have a bony body