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no, they have a swim bladder but this is so the fish can stay afloat

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13y ago

Fish have a fish bladder to help them swim.

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13y ago

All fishes have air bladders

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Q: How does the air bladder work for the fish?
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How is a fish bladder the same as an existing human invention?

A ballon because when you blow it up with air it floats like a fish bladder and when you let out the air it sinks like a fish bladder.

How do fish change depth in water?

A fish controls its depth by increasing or decreasing the amount of air in its swim bladder. When a fish has more air in the swim bladder, it is more bouyant and rises to the surface ,but when it lets out the air and the swim bladder fills with water, it becomes less bouyant so the fish sinks.

What is air fill bladder which prevents fish from sinking when it stops?

It is called the "Swim Bladder".

What is a fish balance called?

The swim bladder is the organ that keeps the fish balanced and upright, is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of a fish to control its buoyancy. It is also known as the gas bladder, fish maw or air bladder.

What special organ helps a boney fish float?

they have an organ called a swim bladder. It is filled with gas and it keeps them afloat.

What 3 liver lobes does a frog have?

Since amphibians evolved from fish and fish have one air bladder (or swim bladder), frogs have 1 lung. The air bladder evolved into a lung. Remember, frogs are also able to breathe through their skin.

How does a bony fish use the swim bladder?

Helps maintain Fish buoyancy ( from further down in the water or to surface) The swim bladder can fill by gulping air at the surface, this enables the fish to float or empty by loosing air from the swim bladder through a pneumatic duct (a pneumatic duct is an internal gas filled organ) connected to the oesophagus, this enables the fish to sink.

What are some uses of a bladder in a fish?

To urinate, if you mean the urinary bladder. If you mean the swim bladder, it is to be able to change its depth in the water. It has a way to vent air from the gills to the swim bladder, and from the swim bladder to the digestive tract. So the fish would inflate the bladder to be able to rise and deflate the bladder to go lower.

What gives a fish its buoyancy?

May fish have a little air bag inside them called a swim bladder they add or remove air from this sack so that they achieve neutral buoyancy in the water and thus do not have to exert energy to prevent themselves floating or sinking. If you bring a fish from great depth to the surface very quickly, the fish will not have time to remove air from the swim bladder and it will explode, killing the fish.When divers collect fish at depth, to keep them alive, they have to stop and let air out of the swim bladders (with a needle) on the way up.

What organ help fish float?

The majority of bony fish has swim bladder that keeps them buoyant. The organ is also called gas bladder, fish maw, or air sac.

What is used by fish to float and rest?

The "Swim Bladder" allows fish to be buoyant .

Function of the swim bladder?

The swim bladder can fill by gulping air at the surface, this enables the fish to float or empty by loosing air from the swim bladder through a pneumatic duct (a pneumatic duct is an internal gas filled organ) connected to the oesophagus, this enables the fish to sink. got this answer from another person. i really hope that it is right