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Q: How does a shark communicate?
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What are all shark names?

Tiger Shark Lemon Shark Great White Shark Whale Shark Basking Shark Megamouth Shark Grey Reef Shark Carribbean Reef Shark Black Tip Reef Shark White Tip Reef Shark Black Tip Shark Thats all poo poo!!

Shark names with letter b?

Some shark names that start with the letter "B" include bull shark, blue shark, and basking shark.

What are some specific shark?

Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Sand Shark, Bull Shark

What is the species of a hammer head shark?

Bull Shark, Tiger Shark, Great White Shark, HammerHead Shark, Basking Shark, Black-Tip Shark, White-Tip Shark, Whale Shark, Zebra Shark, Lemon Shark, Sand Shark, Megalodon Shark, Goblin Shark, Mako Shark, MegaMouth Shark, Angel Shark, Reef Shark, Cow Shark

What is the sound of a shark?

Sharks do not make vocal sounds like other animals. They communicate through body language, such as swimming patterns and movements, as well as through electroreception and chemical signals.

What is a young shark?

a young shark is a shark

What sharks are closely related to the Sandbar shark?

The tiger shark, the blue shark, the bull shark, and the milk shark.

How do goblin shark talk to other goblin sharks?

Goblin sharks communicate with each other using non-verbal methods such as body language, chemical signals, and vibrations. They may also use their sense of smell to detect pheromones released by other goblin sharks in the water.

What are all the sharks used in Shark Night 3D?

Tiger shark, great white shark,hammerhead shark,bull shark,cookie cutter shark,

What is some information on sharks?

Sharks Breath Throught There Gills.Sharks Can't Swim Backwards.Sharks Swim By Using Their Tale.Sharks Favourite Meal Is Seal.Sharks Have Been Around For About 400 Million Years.Sharks Belong To The Class Of Fish, Chondrichthyes.Sharks Have The Most Powerful Jaws On The Planet.There Are Only About 100 Shark Attacks A Year.Only 10 Attacks Normaly Kill Humans.Baby Sharks Are Called Pups.Biggest Shark: Whale Shark.Smallest Shark: Dwarf Lanternfish.Most Dangerous: White - Tipped Sharks.Fastest Shark: Mako Sharks And Blue Sharks.Largest Mouth: Whale Shark.Strongest Bite: Dusky Shark.Most Common: Piked Dogfish Shark.Humans Know About 457 Different Species Of Shark.Sharks Do Not Have Bones They Have Cartilage.The Swell Shark (Found In New Zealand) Barks Like A Dog.Sharks Were Around Before Dinosaurs!Sharks Become Immobile When Upside Down.Species:Angel Shark, Saw Shark, Dogfish Shark, Bramble Shark, Greenland Shark, Bull Shark, Caribean Reef Shark, Tiger Shark, Lemon Shark, Blue Shark, Mako Shark, Milk Shark, White Tipped Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Barbelled Shark, Swell Shark, Silky Shark, Leopard Shark, Soupfin Shark, Makeral Shark, Great White Shark, Basking Shark, Goblin Shark, Thresher Shark, Sand Tiger Shark, Crocodile Shark, Megamouth Shark, Nurse Shark, Whale Shark, Carpet Shark, Bamboo Shark, Zebra Shark, Blind Shark, California Horn Shark, Bullhead Shark, Frilled Shark And Many More//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////the earliest- known shark fossila come from rock layers of the early devonian period (410-355 )mya.

What is the most dangors shark?

the most endangerd shark is the shark

Do whale sharks have shark or whale tails?

They have shark tails. If they have shark tails then they'd be catagorized for a shark. They are called a whale shark because their big like a whale and shark because it is a shark (tail)