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Well it depends what type of fish.The Whaleshark [which is also the biggest fish in the World] uses its whole body to swim.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Well, water is a fluid, so the fish simply swim through it.

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12y ago

i dont know you idiots im asking you

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Q: How does a fish shape helps it swim trough water?
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{}< <>< []< Something like these?

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The oval shape of a fish helps it swim faster and easier.

How streamline body of fish helps in swimming?

The streamline shape of a fish has lower friction. Also, vortices form from the movement of the tail which save energy when swimming

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Yes.have you ever put a fish in a water trough to eat the algie but they also eat the oats that the horses eat.

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Yes, penguins have a streamlined body shape that helps them glide efficiently through the water while swimming. Their shape reduces water resistance, allowing them to move swiftly and catch fish underwater.

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Why are fish the shape they are?

Fish have a stream line body shape to help the glide through the water easier with more speed.

Why is the body shape of a fish important?

It is streamlined so the pressure of the water on its scales are kept to a minimum.

Why are fish that shape?

Fish have a stream line body shape to help the glide through the water easier with more speed.

How this is an advantage to the fish their shape?

fish's body type is really like its nature, such as like sharks, they have a torpedo shaped body because they hunt for prey and they need to go fast. A fish can also have a streamlined body which allows the fish to go faster. Or it can be laterally compressed from side to side and so it is adapted for hiding in cracks of coral and etc.