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I dont think you can help it.....its dieng By: Expert Serena

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Q: How do you treat a molly fish with bulging eyes and always swimming at the top of the tank?
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How do you treat bulging discs?

I know someone who has this same problem. They see a physical therapist quite often. I am told that there really isn't much that you could to treat it but a nice message will relieve it for up to 2 weeks.

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You would treat it the same way as if it were regular hives. Most likely, you would use an epipen.

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If you don't know what it is, bring your molly to a local pet store and let them figure it out what it is. They should prescribe some fish medications for your molly.

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How to Identify and Treat a Bulging Disc?

The pain caused by a bulging disc can be both intense and debilitating, and can be caused by any number of things. A bulging disc is essentially the bulging of a disc through the spine. Many people refer to a bulging disc as a herniated disc. While the two are nearly identical conditions, they are caused by two different events. A bulging disc is the result of a slow movement over time, often caused by age or activity over the course of several years. A herniated disc, on the other hand, is a result of one quick and traumatic action, often a fall or a heavy lift. It can be difficult to pinpoint the source of pain with a bulging disc, making it a difficult condition to both treat and diagnoses. However, the following symptoms are all common for sufferers of a bulging disc.Symptoms of a Bulging DiscBecause bulging discs can occur anywhere throughout the spine, symptoms can be present anywhere from the lower back all the way up to the neck. Most injuries occur in the lower back and are a natural result of aging. Lower back pain may radiate throughout the legs, making it a challenge to walk for long periods of time. If the bulging disc is located in the upper back or neck, pain might be more severe in the shoulders as well. For many people, there are no symptoms of a bulging disc, even if the condition has persisted for years. In these cases, the problem is only diagnoses after an MRI of the area.Treatment for a Bulging DiscBulging disc treatment can be a long process, taking months to heal completely. However, in most cases the treatment is very conservative. Most doctors will recommend alternating ice with heat pads to stimulate circulation and relieve pain in the area. Medication might be prescribed in order to reduce severe pain, or cortisone shots can serve as a more permanent solution to the discomfort. If a bulging disc has compressed nerves, pain may be so intense that back surgery is required, although that is a rare course of action.

Is it a law that you cannot trick or treat once you turn sixteen?

no, its not a are always allowed to trick or treat.

Name four disinfection methods used to treat swimming pool and spa water?

Chlorine, bromine, uv, ozone.

Does installing a new swimming pool change property taxes in California?

Most likely. However, the change in assessed value may not be as much as the cost of installing the swimming pool. Contact your local property assessor to find out how they treat the valuation of swimming pools for assessment purposes.

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