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Well at pet stores were they sell hermit crab supplies there should be something called a vacation pack which should have packs of food that will last your hermit crab a certain amount of days usually around 5 days. Then after the days are up you can get a family member to change it for a new one if you are still gone.

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Q: How do you leave hermit crabs for a trip?
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When a hermit crabs legs fall off can you still leave it in with the other hermit crabs?

yes but if u do make sure the other crabs don't eat it!

Can hermit crabs leave their claws in human skin?

no it can only pinch you

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Are hermit crabs herbavores?

No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.

What Enemies Do Hermit Crabs Have?

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Do Hermit Crabs Have Antennas?

Yes hermit crabs have antennas.

Are hermit crabs death?

No hermit crabs are small and friendly

What are the hermit crabs preditors?

sea birds, fish, octopuses, crabs, and other hermit crabs

How does hermit crabs raise its babies?

it doesn't makes the baby then they leave and the baby raise its shelf

Can hermit crabs kill moon crabs?

it deppends on how big the hermit crabs and the moon crabs are but if the hermit crab is bigger youv'e got your self a dead moon crab

Is salt bad for hermit crabs?

no i had hermit crabs and had salt it didn't hurt them

Do hermit crabs use meiosis?

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