It's hard to say. Generally we find out when they are not happy because they behave as if they are ill, moving slowly, hanging out of their shell, not moving for many days.
A hermit crab who is healthy will probably be seen walking around in the tank, climbing on fake plants and wood, or digging in the substrate. He will visit the water bowl regularly, visit the salt water bowl occasionally, and will generally trash the tank sometimes, toppling dishes and dragging bits of fresh food around.
If they disappear for weeks, they are probably below the surface molting, and should never be disturbed at this time. Never, ever dig up a buried crab.
Be sure to visit and look up the article "Are you Ready for a Land Hermit Crab?" to make sure you have everything he needs to live a long, healthy life.
No, hermit crabs like many other creatures have exoskeletons.
Hermit crabs like to be with others, like how other animals like to be. It always nice to have another partner. I had several hermit crabs and they lasted longer than ones with out any other hermit crab.
Yes. Despite their name, hermit crabs are known to be very social. The may from time to time need to be solitary, for example when moulting.
Yes, land hermit crabs do mate. If you mean in captivity...yes and no. They will mate and sometimes you will even get fertilized eggs, but you can not raise them to be surviving baby hermit crabs in captivity unless you can duplicate the ocean.
The only thing that is known to attract hermit crabs are a shell with a pearl color inside. Also food but none spesific, all hermit crabs enjoy diffrent foods better than other ones, other hermit crabs may like.
Yes. Hermit crabs love fruits, vegetables, and other snacks like unsalted crackers. Just don't give your hermit crabs any citrus fruits.
There are not many hermit crab predators. Their shells protect them. Man is the greatest threat to hermit crabs.
because they don,t like hermit crabs
yes they are
It is all up to you. I like hermit crabs better, though.
They arent squealing, they are chirping. This is how they communicate with one another. But if you only have one, it could just be chirping for fun :) Dont worry about, it is normal. :)
It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell. It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell.