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Float the bag from the pet store in the tank for 30 minutes to acclimate the temperature. Then begin removing water from the bag by dipping it out with a small cup. As you dip, discard the pet store water, and replace it with the same amount of aquarium water. The idea is to slowly acclimate your fish to the water chemistry of your tank, but not allow any water from the pet store to enter your aquarium. Pet store water is often contaminated with disease. The water acclimation should be done for 1/2 hour, with each dip removing no more than an ounce or two of water from the floating bag and replacing it with an equal amount.

Once the fish have been acclimated to your aquarium water, take the bag out of the tank, and pour fish and water through a net. Quickly get them into their new home. Again, you do not want pet store water to enter your tank. Pouring into a bucket is a good idea because it will catch jumping fish that may leap from the bag past the net. You can net them from the safety bucket and complete the transfer.

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Q: How do you add fish to a fish tank with fish?
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Can you add fish to a cloudy fish tank?

No, because they will die!

How long do you have to wait after filling the tank to add the fish?

Put the fish in 2 days after you get the tank, they live longer.

How do you settle a fish in it tank?

You should add cycle a chemical to make your tank suitable for fish than buy a fish or get one then put it in a bag for 30 min. and every 10 min. add water from your fish tank to the bag than after 30 min. release you fish.

Can you add water right from the faucet to your fish tank?

yes you can but also it depends on what fish you got(:

How do you add your aquarium to your signature on gaia online?

you add the fish to the tank and it will just show up.

How quickly should you add fish to a freshwater tank?

10 minutes

How many goldfish in 10gallons tank?

you can add two small gold fish which will be upto 2 inch size without including tail. Actual rule is 10 gallons for a fish. But, two fish may survive in a 10 gallon tank. but dont add any other fish into it.

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The white scale on the inside of the fish tank is from a buildup of minerals that were in the water.

What is a fish areator?

A fish AERATOR is a device used to add oxygen into a fish tank so that the fish do not suffocate as they consume the increasingly depleted oxygen supply

Can snails live in a tank or bowl if the fish are gone and if so do you still need to add fish food?

Snails live on a tank and no you don't have to feed eats of algae

Can you add common salt to dollar fish?

No, you need a special salt for a saltwater tank.