Male bettas blow a cluster of bubbles that float on the surface of the water.
Not normally. Only male Bettas have the fight other competition response.
This does not just "happen". You will have had to put a male and female together for them to breed. The male would have built a nest of bubbles and would be tending this nest and eggs if your Bettas had spawned.
Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish
They see them the same as other male bettas,as competition,they cannot tell the diffrence between their reflections and other bettas.
No. Male Bettas only fight with other male Bettas.
No the two male bettas will kill each other if they are put in the same tank.
male bettas dont get lonley females do get lonley u should have atleast 5 females in the same tank *male bettas dont get lonley
Male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with any other species at all.
His gills will flare up.
Male bettas should be kept alone. Female bettas can sometimes be kept with other fish, but in a large community tank. Bettas need their space!
Only male Bettas fight and they will only fight with other male Bettas. A male Betta will kill the female if she will not spawn with him. He will also kill her after she has spawned if she is not removed.