because they have love with the boy land hermit crabs
yes but if u do make sure the other crabs don't eat it!
They love boners
Yes. Hermit crabs love fruits, vegetables, and other snacks like unsalted crackers. Just don't give your hermit crabs any citrus fruits.
Hermit Crabs like fruit ( No citrus fruit), palm tree bark, and my hermit crabs love Zoo Meds Hermit Crab food.Don't get the dried up shrimp for them, they won't eat it.
Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.
hermit crabs LOVE to CLIMB trees in the wild so have some tree bark in your tank. Also have hiding places they love to hide, some like to dig. this is chewy89422 inproving answer: land hermit crabs love to do the following: dig,climb,hide,be very social with other crabs,and they love to be playd with and exercise.
Hermit crabs love a large area with lots of space to play in and plenty to climb on an old aquariam tank is perfect for hermit crab/s
I LOVE that question! hermit crabs have been abused for years! hermit crabs are tropical animals. thay need 1 gallon of space per hermit crab, they also need love and attention they have personalities too.
A lot
I will ask him if i see him. LOL i have hermit crabs and they are easily lovable, so I'm sure anyone would love them!
because love to have them as pets. most people dont know this but hermit crabs are very loveabul.they are really cool pets and becasue they are fun cool pets