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They dont run,they swim

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Q: How do fish run?
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Related questions

Could the pacific run out of fish?

It will run out of fish if people don't look after the environment.

Why will the fish run out?

That Makes No Sence.

Can fish run away?


What animals can not run?

kangaroos can't run and fish can't either

Do seahorses run?

No. Seahorses do not run because they have no legs. They are fish so they swim.

What body symmetry does a fish have?

fish have laderal lines that run down the sides of their bodies.

What happens if there is an overpopulation of fish in the ocean?

The fish will run out of food and a bunch of them will starve to death.

Where can you find the soundtrack from Cat Run?

slap them with a fish

Who is eligible to run for house of representative?

Gay fish are eligible to run. So are strippers and polldancers.

What you called a group of fish?

A group of fish is called a school, shoal, draft, run, haul, or catch.

How can you go in the fish bowl in toontown?

you must run and jump

Did Samuel de Champlain run out of food?

Bread and water! and rotten fish