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Q: How do Vinegar Eels reproduce?
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Related questions

Do vinegar eels eat?

Yes. They eat dead Vinegar bacteria in unpasterized vinegar.

How does the eels move?

Vinegar eels move rapidly in waves

How does eels move?

Vinegar eels move rapidly in waves

How do eels reproduce?


How does the vinegar eel move?

Vinegar eels move rapidly in waves

How did vinegar eels get their name?

the vinegar eel got its name because it lives in un-pureified vinegar.

Are vinegar eels harmful?

Vinegar eels are free living, non-parasitic nematodes that feed on the material known as the "mother of vinegar". When you realize the amount of small living creatures we ingest on a daily basis, vinegar eels are truly no cause for concern. They occur in raw vinegars commonly but not always. If you have ever had raw apple cider vinegar then chances are they were there. The health benefits far outweigh the squeamish factor.

How do blue ribbon eels reproduce?

the stick their penis in their vagina

Are eels harmful?

Vinegar eels are free living, non-parasitic nematodes that feed on the material known as the "mother of vinegar". When you realize the amount of small living creatures we ingest on a daily basis, vinegar eels are truly no cause for concern. They occur in raw vinegars commonly but not always. If you have ever had raw apple cider vinegar then chances are they were there. The health benefits far outweigh the squeamish factor.

What do you feed baby bettas?

Microworms, vinegar eels, baby brime shrimp, and egg yolk.

How do electric eels reproduce?

they attract the females with their saliva and then the females lay the eggs. hasn't bed in captivity.

Vinegar eel phylum?

Vinegar eels belong to the phylum Nematoda, which are a diverse group of worms characterized by their unsegmented, cylindrical bodies and simple digestive systems. Nematodes are found in a wide range of habitats, including soil, freshwater, saltwater, and even inside other organisms.