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They evolved from the most basic life forms slowly (sharks were around with the dinosaurs) until reaching their current stage.

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Q: How did the sharks get in to the ocean?
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Are there many sharks in the Atlantic Ocean?

3 types of sharks are threre in the Atlantic Ocean. 3 types of sharks are there in an Atlantic ocean.

Where do shark live in the ocean?

sharks live in every ocean but 70% of oceans are fry of sharks

Where to get sharks?

The ocean.

Do beaches have sharks?

no sharks only live in the ocean. :)

Are there sharks on the west coast of Barbados?

No there are no sharks in the ocean..............

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how many sharks are there in the ocean

Do sharks live in the bottom of the ocean?

well, sometimes sharks hide in the in the bottom of the ocean and other sharks just want to find fish to eat in the bottom of the ocean.

What is a consumer in the ocean?

SHARKS are the consumer in the ocean

Are the sharks close to shore in Wild wood NJ?

Sharks live in the ocean - that's all the ocean, not just part of it. There are sharks everywhere.

Do shark live and the ocean?

if you mean "Do sharks live in the ocean?" Then yes sharks live in the ocean they can only survive in salt water

What are sharks biomes?

Sharks biomes are ocean biomes. A biome is the habitat that something would be found in. In this case talking about sharks, the biome is the ocean since that is the habitat that sharks are found in.

How do sharks keep the ocean healthy?

They keep the different populations of the ocean's species intact. Sharks make sure the ocean doesn't get overpopulated.