

How deep do sharks go under water?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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11y ago

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The way the shark is built allows them to swim so deep into the oceans. The form their body takes makes them the perfect specimen for ocean life. The shark can swim as much as 6000 feet below the sea level.

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What can go into the deep under water?

Sharks, fish, sea cucumbers and basicly everything in the ocean!

What difficulties do sharks have living in the water?

none they are great swimmers the only difficulties they have under water is when theygo in way to deep valys in the water you can only go down there in a sumberine you can`t come out or else you will be smashed.

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It matters how deep you go in the water as in the sea water I only go up to my waist and i'm 5 foot 7

How far do sharks go into the ocean?

Creatures that breath water have no concern for pressure problems. There are species of sharks in the abysmal depths. It is only air breathers that go way down that have problems like the bends and nitrogen narcosis. This does not apply to whales and dolphins as they do not breath when they dive.

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You would blow up from water pressure.

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No! Because the currents under the water, down that deep, does not arrouse the sand and the water is not then moved

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They will go in almost any temperature of water

Sharks never go into fresh water?

salt water sharks typically do not go into fresh water, but sometimes they do. some sharks have been in freshwater for so ling that they have adapted and become freshwater charks. though this is uncommon, it does happen

How deep can a human go under water?

the answer to the question in which you just asked is... presently something that is not within my realm of knowledge

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They hunt then they go fast and deep then they go up and jump for it or swim fast and get it

Are there sharks around ibiza?

well during the winter season u can get the odd Nurse shark far out in the deep water but they are harmless and during summer they arent around the waters at all cos it gets to hot they go very far out to see to get into cold water so there is no worry about sharks in ibiza