

Best Answer

anti biotics,saline one time. close during day outside.loose gauze night. no stitches let drain.rinse in shower once a day.rabies shots ater

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Q: How can you treat a panther bite or attack?
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What is the locomotion of a panther?

run and attack

How can you treat a tarantula bite?

u treat it by rubbin ice on ya bite fools

How do snakeheads attack people?

They use their senses to locate where you are, and violently bite you on the back like it would treat a prey. A snakehead can also kill you.

Why does your girlfriend bite you and attack you?

Let her bite she get sick of it after she bite u when u got no reaction

What is the defense mechanism for a panther?

The primary defense mechanism for a panther is its agility and speed, allowing it to quickly escape from potential threats. Panthers also have sharp claws and powerful jaws that they can use for self-defense if necessary. Additionally, their keen senses, such as sharp eyesight and acute hearing, help them detect danger and avoid it.

How do mongoose attack?

they bite dumby

How do saltwater crocodiles attack?

they bite!

Where do you get bite in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Bite is an attack, and isn't a TM. The Pokemon has to learn it.

Which is easier leopard geckos or panther geckos?

They require almost the exact same care, but I like my panther geckos more because they are a bit smaller, cleaner, and never bite

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Is snake poison used for rattlesnake bite?

No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.

Can snapping turtles attack people?

No, but they can bite!