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A Betta breaths air the same as we do, however wnen a male betta builds a nest the water temp is or will be close to 80 degrees and he will tend to the nest for only a short time, if a female betta is not placed into the tank when you see the nest he will give up on the nest and the nest bubbles will dissovle until the same time the next day or the water temp is close or above 80 degrees, an eaiser way to find out if the bubbles are for the nest or from the stone, is to unplug the air stone. A betta in a 1 gallon container in my opinion with a air stone will not build a nest the male prefers a calm water and a warm water to build a nest.

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Q: How can you tell the difference between a bubble nest and an over-abundance of air bubbles when you have an air stone in your betta's one-gallon aquarium?
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